Monday, September 30, 2019

Mirrors of sylvia plath and claribel alegria

The impact of dark poetry on the reader is made predominantly through correspondingly dark   language- this is a common view on the source of such kind of poetry’s effect. In this essay I wouldn’t like to argue this point of view but I would like to broaden   the understanding of dark poetry’s linguisic and semantic tools . I’m going to use two poems sharing a common symbol– â€Å"I am Mirror† by Claribel Alegria and â€Å"Mirror† by Sylvia Plath- to prove that they appeal to the reader not so much through explicit means like the choice of words but also implicitly.I will expose the existence of two poles in each poem and stress an essential role,   which semantic oppositions like alive-dead, internal-external, body-soul, action-passivity, depth-surface, reflect- hurt,   human-monster and human-mirror play. Besides, I will observe how the traditional motif of a mirror as a person’s of alter-ego is transformed in both poe ms into an effective   poetic tool, which ,on the one hand, forms a number of oppositions, and on the other hand, implies the idea of   pain reflection as pain replication and multiplication.First, let us consider the poem â€Å"I am Mirror† by Claribel Alegria.. The mirror is a second self of the woman, the self that was born in the course of some immense suffering. It is a double-sided mirror. Her pain is reflected in the external world, and vice versa, the world’s pain is reflected in her soul.   But the pain is so enormous that the mirror switches on as a protection mechanism.   The mirror turns into a brilliant wall, which defends her from pain. Now she can see everything perfectly but she cannot perceive. To stress the state of hers the phrase â€Å"I don’t feel it† is repeated a number of times.Like a silver screen, she scans what is going on around very accurately and impartially, â€Å"tanks that approach, raised bayonets, bodies that fa ll†¦children who run†. The intense external action is contrasted to the internal catalepsy). She wants to get back life because as she says â€Å"I hurt therefore I exist†.  Ã‚   Her ability to feel hurt is reduced to its physical aspect.   That is why she pinches and pricks herself.   Only through physical pain, she can bring back her ability to perceive world’s pain but only for a while. In a few moments, she turns back into the â€Å"blank mirror that nothing penetrates†. She is again a fleshless phantom protected from the pain by a brilliant wall. What is left is just â€Å"a vague memory of pain†. What is specific of the poem is that it does not reveal the pain itself but the pained mirrored, reflected, remembered. Pain sliding on the smooth hard surface.Let us make these two mirrors reflect in each other by comparing the two poems.   As I have already said, Alegria has a kind of wall mirror, a luminous barrier to protect her from pain. It only reflects external world but nothing can penetrate the surface. It is devoid of depth, it is flat, two-sided but not two-dimensioned. On the contrary, Plath’s mirror’s feature is to swallow immediately whatever appears in it.   It has another dimension behind it. Depth, not surface is its main attribute. This depth is meant to search there and to be afraid of.  Ã‚   It is a lake where a terrible fish lives.This fish is the woman’s frightening future. It is someone into whom she is going to turn in the course of time. In both poems mirror is impartial, it implies â€Å"female passivity, subjugation† (Freedman 1993). However, Plath’s mirror’s truthfulness is seen a kind of rebellion against what woman is seeking in it. In both cases, internal passivity is contrasted with external action. In Plath’s poem the concept of time is of great importance. It is another dimension but the surface and depth of the mirror.   The s tillness of a mirror lake is contrasted with the running river of time.This river flowing through the woman transforms a young beautiful girl into a horrible fish. Hence, being a water creature, an old woman is claimed to belong to the river of time and eternity more than a young girl, still alien to it. Gradually, deep waters of time absorb a woman. A terrible fish is in fact a dead girl, who drowned in the lake of mirror. This is a kind of terrifying reincarnation a woman would prefer to ignore. That is why she turns to such â€Å"liars† as the moon and candles. Meanwhile, the mirror reflects her back faithfully.   She cannot see her back mirrored, and that is an important idea.   We cannot see our back, i.e. the opposite, dark side. What does it look like? Maybe it IS a monster fish? We are scared to death by our own monsters.I would like to dwell on the language used in both poems and how it works toward a certain effect. What correlates with the image of a mirror in Plath’s poem is the use of visual language without any occurrence of audible one. Words like ‘darkness’, ‘pink with speckles’, ‘faces’, ‘flicker’ etc. create a visual picture. The opposition between the pink wall and the darkness is crucial to the poem. Black water has been always associated with hidden, subconscious, uncontrollable forces inside a personality. Hence, I can say that Plath’s mirror is not a medium between internal and external world, like Alegria’s one. It seems to be located within the human soul itself.While in Plath’s poem the attention is drawn to the visual aspect, in Alegria’s one the emphasis, however strange it may seem, is on the physical aspect, on taction. Or rather it is on the ability or inability to perceive the world through touching it. That is why visual pictures, which take enough space of the poem, are deliberately detached and serve to stress the absence of the woman/mirror’s feeling behind them. The opposition is ‘reflect’ vs. ‘hurt’ That is why the dominating mood is the feeling of stifled pain. This context is suggested by the choice of words: prick, pinch; tortured, frightened, weeping, bleeding, stumbling, panic etc. On the otherpole of the opposition are words like ‘phantom’, ‘fleshless’, ‘vague’.The poem’s inner plot is a transition from being a woman looking at her reflection into the mirror itself. Let’s read this passage at the beginning:I pinch myself in the arm  I don’t feel  frightened I look at myself in the mirror  she also pricks herself  I begin to get dressed  stumbling  from the corners  shouts like lightning bolts  tortured eyes  scurrying rats  and teeth shoot forth  although I feel nothingHere is the starting point of this transition. Frightened by her lost ability to feel, she looks at herself in the mir ror and sees a woman with tortured eyes and teeth shoot forth but she feels nothing because she turned into a mirror. This mirror woman leaves home and wanders through the streets reflecting horrible pictures of war. She hurts herself physically to turn back into a living person again but another terrifying scene prevents her from doing so – and she is a fleshless phantom again.The same transition can be observed in Sylvia Plath’s poem, although it is proceeds according to a slightly different pattern. The woman is not replaced by a mirror but she is swallowed by it. Being swallowed, she acquires the attributes of the object, which swallowed her. But two mirrors go on existing simultaneously- a still and eternal one and a moving mortal one.   As I said before, it is running river reflected in a lake.She comes and goes.  Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.  In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman  Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.  This passage suggests how a recurrent action of everyday life is correlated with transcendental eternity.The two poems share the ambivalence of the symbol of mirror. Let us turn to what William Freedman writes about the concept of the poem. â€Å"In this poem, the mirror is in effect looking into itself, for the image in the mirror is woman, the object that is itself more mirror than person. A woman will see herself both in and as a mirror. To look into the glass is to look for oneself inside or as reflected on the surface of the mirror and to seek or discover oneself in the person (or non-person) of the mirror†¦ the poem becomes a mirror not of the world, but of other mirrors and of the process of mirroring. When living mirrors gaze into mirrors, as when language stares only at itself,only mirrors and mirroring will be visible†¦ â€Å"The speaker sees herself â€Å"in† the mirror †¦in two senses: She is the fearful image in the depths beyond the glass and she is the mirror itself† ( Freedman1993).BibliographyLye, John. 1996. Critical reading: a Guide,Barbara.1998. Readings and Assignments.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Black Death and Middle English Word

Why does Chaucer dwell more on the pardoner's love of money than on any other aspect of his character? He was not supposed to have worldly procession he is supposed to be a man of God but does not live the life style 2. Imagine that the pardoner where alive today. What might he do for a living, and how would that profession reflect his character?Anointing oil, Bibles, Tapes cad's of Preaching he might sell these things. He's money hungry that is his goal. WORDS TO OWN Avarice 1 . From the old French word meaning â€Å"to crave† Abominable 2. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"Inhuman† Sauntered 3. From the Latin word meaning ‘to loosen† Carouses 4. From the middle French word meaning â€Å"to drink completely† Covetous 5. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to desire† Blasphemy 6. From the Greek word meaning â€Å"to speak evil of† Pallor 7. From the Latin Absolution 8.From the Middle English word meaning â€Å"to muse or meditate† S uperfluity 9. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to overflow' Transcend 10. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to climb across† Re-write 5 sentences above in your own words Avarice 1 . From the old French word meaning â€Å"to desire† Abominable 2. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"godly' Sauntered 3. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to walk gaily' Carouses 4. From the middle French word meaning â€Å"drunken† Covetous 5. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to want† After Reading Questions 1 .What events prompt the three rioters to seek Death? Set out to find Death after becoming drunk at a bar. Their intoxication makes them believe that they can find and kill death itself. 2. What way is the rioter's discovery at the old tree unexpected? They find gold coins and excited about their newly covered treasure, subsequently forget about Death 3. Describe the events that directly lead to their deaths. The three men draw straws to see who among them should fetch wine and food while the other two wait under the tree.The youngest of the three men drew the shortest straw. The two men who stay behind secretly plot to kill the other one when he returns, while the one who leaves for the town poisons some of the wine with rat poison. When he returns with the food and drink, the other two kill him and drink the poisoned wine ? also dying (and finding Death) 4. Where you able to correctly anticipate everything? No, I was surprised by how some events developed. 5. What theme about corruption do you think Chaucer conveys through the selection? Greed is the root of evil.The three young men, who first show their lack of restraint or self-discipline by being drunk early in the morning and then make the mistake of going in search of Death (rather like looking for trouble), quickly lose their loyalty to one another when they find gold (in the place where a mysterious old man told them they would find Death) and are then separated. Two plots to kill one, t he one contrive o kill the two, and all three find what they initially went looking for. 6. A foil is a character that provides a striking contrast to other characters.In what way does the old man serve as a foil to the three rioters? He is a foil to the rioters in that he represents the wisdom of old age. Unlike the rioters, the old man is calm, sober, and respectful; he understands that human beings have no control over death. 7. Cox Irony Example(s) from â€Å"The Pardoner's Tale 1 . Verbal irony occurs when someone states one thing and means another. The Pardoner makes a speech at the end of the selection, when he tries to sell organizers; by his earlier admission, he doesn't believe in the church's teachings about sin, forgiveness, and damnation. . Situational irony is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. The rioters expect to find Death under the tree; instead they find gold, which leads to their death. 3. In dramatic irony, the readers kno w more than the characters do. The reader is aware that the older rioters have conspired against the youngest. 9. During the mid-14th century, the Black Death – a massive epidemic of the bubonic plague – swept through Asia and Europe. In Europe alone, one-quarter of the population died.In what way might these circumstances have made people vulnerable to the tricks of the Pardoner and other unscrupulous clergymen? Christians would have feared dying without forgiveness for their sins, as doing so would have meant eternal damnation. The outbreak of the plague would have led many to seek forgiveness in the form of indulgences. They might also have looked to the supposed power of his relics to keep them healthy. Vocabulary in Context 1. False 2. True 3. True Vocabulary Strategy 1. Debonair 3. Piquant 4. Nuance 5. Echelon Vocabulary Study 1. Meting: parley 2. Greed : Avarice .Criticized: Castigated 1. Critique 2. Encore 3. Genre 4. Souvenirs 5. Repartee 6. Most African Ameri can males have brunette hair 7. The finale to the festivals was a ground display of fireworks 8. Women often use rouge cosmetics to color their checks and lips. Vocabulary Practice 1. Parley 2. Avarice 3. Castigate 4. Avarice 5. Parley 6. Castigate 7. The Pardoner's tale is a satire of a man who preaches to people about the evils of money, claiming ‘The love of money is the root of evil. ‘ This phrase was taken directly out of the Bible. In effect, the Pardoner is guilty of his own avarice actions, making

Saturday, September 28, 2019

As I See Myself (Descriptive Essay)

I have had dark straight hair which is already dyed with golden blonde, brown eyes which I genetically inherited from my mother, a short nose, small gleaming teeth, full lips, tiny dimples and a round face which I am teased a lot by many people as well as my big fat arms. Nevertheless, I am proud of having a fair skin; long thick hair just like of a commercial model as what my sister would say; and long solid legs. So, I usually wear not-so-short shorts and skirts paired with t-shirts and flats. Like many girls, I like to dress up but then I don’t really have many clothes to dress up with so I end up with the basics. I also like my hair loose and undone because I like better messy hair, in a structured way and in a way to conceal my huge face. I used to be very shy and introvert when I was little. I don’t talk unless someone starts a conversation and sometimes I don’t ask questions to keep the discussion going. But now, I develop some confidence and courage to express my thoughts and feelings; I feel more comfortable when I’m alone with someone I’m not used to be with; and I can already look straight to their eyes. I am an ineffective liar. When I start to lie, I tend to laugh. The more I try to get serious, the more I easily burst out into laughter and normally, I can’t keep eye contacts with them. I am also an ineffective joker because frequently I end up laughing first before I could tell my joke. That’s me, making most of my time happy and laughing because I love what it brings me and I love hearing the sound of glee. But sometimes, a different me comes out particularly when I am treated impolitely and when I am force to wake up. Then again, I come back to my usual self once I’ve realized I’m being mean. I am also a person who likes to try new things or should I say adventurous and risk-taker which are the traits I get from my father. When it comes to this, I behave surprisingly energetic and enthusiastic. I can also be lazy at times especially when I don’t like what I’m supposed to do otherwise, I voluntarily do things in the best way I can. I was born a very grumpy girl indeed. What’s more, I am a very ambitious person. Ten years from now, I could see myself as a successful and refined CPA having established my own business, a house that I designed myself since I also dream to be an interior designer and cars that I never thought I would have. I intend to continue my profession, enhance my skills and to be a good public servant too. Given that I am an adventurous person, I could also see myself as a wanderer who travels to the most wonderful and romantic places in the world just as I would picture in my mind every single day. As well as a loving wife and mother nurturing her wonderful family. I know gaining these things are hard to achieve that is why I plan on working harder in the present for a better future. As I See Myself (Descriptive Essay) I have had dark straight hair which is already dyed with golden blonde, brown eyes which I genetically inherited from my mother, a short nose, small gleaming teeth, full lips, tiny dimples and a round face which I am teased a lot by many people as well as my big fat arms. Nevertheless, I am proud of having a fair skin; long thick hair just like of a commercial model as what my sister would say; and long solid legs. So, I usually wear not-so-short shorts and skirts paired with t-shirts and flats. Like many girls, I like to dress up but then I don’t really have many clothes to dress up with so I end up with the basics. I also like my hair loose and undone because I like better messy hair, in a structured way and in a way to conceal my huge face. I used to be very shy and introvert when I was little. I don’t talk unless someone starts a conversation and sometimes I don’t ask questions to keep the discussion going. But now, I develop some confidence and courage to express my thoughts and feelings; I feel more comfortable when I’m alone with someone I’m not used to be with; and I can already look straight to their eyes. I am an ineffective liar. When I start to lie, I tend to laugh. The more I try to get serious, the more I easily burst out into laughter and normally, I can’t keep eye contacts with them. I am also an ineffective joker because frequently I end up laughing first before I could tell my joke. That’s me, making most of my time happy and laughing because I love what it brings me and I love hearing the sound of glee. But sometimes, a different me comes out particularly when I am treated impolitely and when I am force to wake up. Then again, I come back to my usual self once I’ve realized I’m being mean. I am also a person who likes to try new things or should I say adventurous and risk-taker which are the traits I get from my father. When it comes to this, I behave surprisingly energetic and enthusiastic. I can also be lazy at times especially when I don’t like what I’m supposed to do otherwise, I voluntarily do things in the best way I can. I was born a very grumpy girl indeed. What’s more, I am a very ambitious person. Ten years from now, I could see myself as a successful and refined CPA having established my own business, a house that I designed myself since I also dream to be an interior designer and cars that I never thought I would have. I intend to continue my profession, enhance my skills and to be a good public servant too. Given that I am an adventurous person, I could also see myself as a wanderer who travels to the most wonderful and romantic places in the world just as I would picture in my mind every single day. As well as a loving wife and mother nurturing her wonderful family. I know gaining these things are hard to achieve that is why I plan on working harder in the present for a better future.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nuclear Navy and It's Influence on Society Essay

Nuclear Navy and It's Influence on Society - Essay Example Today, more than 15% of the world's electricity comes from nuclear power, more than 150 nuclear-powered naval vessels have been built, and a few radioisotope rockets have been produced. As of 2005, nuclear power provided 6.3% of the world's energy and 15% of the world's electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for 56.5% of nuclear generated electricity. As of 2007, the IAEA reported there are 439'nuclear power reactors in operation in the world operating in 31'countries. The United States produces the most nuclear energy, with nuclear power providing 19% of the electricity it consumes, while France produces the highest percentage of its electrical energy from nuclear reactors-78% as of 2006. In the European Union as a whole, nuclear energy provides 30% of the electricity. In comparison, France has a large number of these plants, with 16 multi-unit stations in current use. "Fission reactions involve the breakup of the nucleus of high-mass atoms and yield an energy release which is more than a million fold greater than that obtained from chemical reactions involving the burning of a fuel. Successful control of the nuclear fission reactions utilizes this intensive source of energy"( Nuclear Power). Enrico Fermi, in 1934 conducted the nuclear fission reaction successfully by bombarding Uranium nucleus ( U235) with fast moving neutrons. Otto Hahn, German chemist in 1938, along with Fritz Strassmann, Lise Meitner and Otto Robert Frisch conducted the same experiments and they found out the chain reaction which causes the liberation of additional neutrons when U235 bombarded with neutrons. The liberated neutrons collide with other uranium nuclei and the process repeated as a chain. In each collision of the neutron with the nucleus, large amount of energy liberated which is multiplied through the chain reaction. The problem the scientists faced was how to con trol the chain reaction and thereby control the energy liberated. In 1942, in United States, Enrico Fermi and Szilard made the first man made nuclear reactor Chicago Pile -1 which was a part of the famous Manhattan Project. After the World War 2 the researches on nuclear energy increased and most of them were aimed to use for military purpose. Electricity was generated from a reactor for the first time in 1951. In 1952 President Truman ordered for aggressive research on solar energy instead of nuclear energy. But in 1953 President Eisenhower set the US on a course of strong government support for international use of nuclear power through his famous statement of "Atoms for Peace". Calder Hall nuclear power station in England was the first nuclear power station to Nuclear '. on Society 3 produce electricity commercially. The Shipping port Atomic Power Station in Shipping port, Pennsylvania was the first commercial reactor in the USA and was opened in 1957. Admiral Hyman G. Rickover U.S. Navy was one of the first organizations to develop nuclear power for the purpose of propelling submarines and aircraft carriers. It has a good record in nuclear safety, perhaps because of the stern demands of Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, who was the driving force behind nuclear marine propulsion as well as the Shipping port Reactor. "Admiral, Hyman Rickover, the Father of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Intrnational Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Intrnational Business strategy - Essay Example By May 2000 they had expanded into several developed countries through acquisition. In May 2000 they planned to aggressively expand into emerging economies in South East Asia, Africa and Middle East. Their initial focus was India, China, and Brazil. However, they always wanted to have 100% stakes or at least the controlling stakes in any nation. Some of their earlier acquisition strategy was not profitable because their approach was to have a global strategy. They always aimed at total control but this may not always be desirable in all emerging markets. In emerging markets, the established MNCs would generally make an early entry especially in the high-performance industrial segments (Ghemawat & Hout, 2008). India may be an emerging economy but there are already 28 competitors and the eight largest companies take care of two-thirds of the total demand of 100 million tons. CEMEX stands a better chance in China where the technology is obsolete and the size of the market is large. In China they can adapt and innovate in a big way. However, entering the emerging economy does not provide cost advantage any more. It is essential to have higher value-offerings and better customer services. CEMEX has been focusing on markets with high population and strong growth potential. Besides, they want to lead the market or have at least 25% control of it. This may not always be the right strategy as Cummins has entered India and China with a local partner with equal partnership (Ghemawat & Hout, 2008). Cummins is not interested in full management control and their focus is on good partner sharing the same values. This enables them to take advantage of the local knowledge and standing of the local partners. This helps the MNC to create value beyond profits. Local partners are beneficial as they help to overcome the barriers to language and local customs. CEMEX’s past acquisitions brought them as close as 100%

Method of Enquairy 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Method of Enquairy 2 - Essay Example This means that customers are getting better services over the past five years (Wichita State University, 2009). Earlier airlines were not for common people as it was the symbol of luxury and class. But today, it is accessible to the common people due to the arrival of low cost airline. Moreover globalization results to increase in number of airline passengers as more number of countries is developing at high rate. Most of the airlines are focusing on this growing trend of airline travelers and in order to capture the growing market they are coming with different innovative schemes and offers (FRBSF Economic Letter, 2002). Generally there are two classifications of airlines customers. One is economy class and the other is business class. But this classification is no more applicable as nature of customers is getting more and more complex with the increase in the total number of customers due to various socio economical changes. As a result identifying and understanding customers’ needs and demands are the biggest challenges that the airline industry is facing today. Today customers want more value for their money. But different customers want this in different way. A person who is travelling once or twice a year, his/her expectation from the airline would differ from a person who is frequent traveler by air. Airline companies need to have clear understanding of this differing nature of expectation of the customers so that they can provide the right service at the right time. There are various factors on the basis of which customers can be segregated. These factors include demography, economy, s ociety, culture, geography etc. Companies can have clear idea regarding the customers’ needs and wants on the basis of these factors. Analysis of these factors would help companies in adopting their future strategies. According to the recent data published by American Customer Satisfaction Index, satisfaction level of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare and Contrast Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compare and Contrast Research Methods - Essay Example These research methods are applied in almost every field of study but their implementation in the field of business management and marketing is slightly more. For testing and analyzing quality measures, this research method plays a vital role and its significance holds a prestigious supremacy. In research methods, qualitative measures provide essential information which eventually helps in the formation of hypothesis. It has given a new sphere and horizon to the field of business management and development process in refining these techniques more is taking place (Hair, Celsi and Page, 2011). Following are some of the renowned qualitative research method approaches along with the comparison and debate with projective techniques. Their significance in business administration and usage is discussed with a conclusion to get an exact idea about the implementation and implication of these research methods and projective techniques in the mode of studies. Focus Groups To examine the impact of a product or service in the market, a focus group session is the most recognized technique. Focus group is basically a qualitative set of methodology in which people from diverse backgrounds are invited and a discussion session takes place. The discussion session is controlled by a moderator. ... (Blumberg & Schindler, 2008). (Lewis & Saunders, 2009) demonstrate that the implication of this research method is widely done in almost all major modes of studies. This gives a horizon that what actually people think. Focus group participants can vary from research to research. For instance to check out the performance of a car, focus group discussion takes place. The panel members in this discussion would be product manufacturing engineers, consumers, analysts, journalist, market guru’s and future potential customers. Their depiction of thoughts will be the quintessence of this discussion. Moderator will ask certain focused research based questions from the panel members. Members upon their respective turn will present their views. The proposition of this tactic is mostly done in the subject of psychology, sociology, marketing and its sub branches, human resources management etc. Market Surveys To get the concrete picture about the thinking of consumers, market surveys act a s the backbone. It has vast implication and is done in approximately research work. Market surveys provide the various ideas of people about a product, service or any other issue. People from diverse backgrounds provide their review about a certain product or service. They also bluntly demonstrate that what are the shortcomings and plus points of the product. Their representation of non fragmented thoughts makes this research technique powerful. Literate, illiterate- all consumers present their ideas clearly (Eriksson & Kovalainen, 2008). Market surveys are done in all the capacities to check out the positioning of a product or service. For instance to check out the impact of a certain mobile phone among users and customers, cell phone market survey will be done

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Substance Dualism - argument rehersal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Substance Dualism - argument rehersal - Essay Example Let us begin with me. I can conceive myself without my left hand. In case my left hand is cut off in an accident, I would still be who I am. It’s true that I’ll be handicapped, but that won’t mean I’ll cease to exist. Let’s take another situation. Let me just think I am dead. How will my loved ones react then? It is very much possible for me to conceive the situation. They will feel sad; some will cry. Now since I am conceiving these thoughts by myself only, I can exist without a body, for it’s conceivable I can be without a body. Let me now run a thought experiment to back this claim. Suppose I try to conceive my existence by separating myself from my body. In other words, I being a thinking thing envision my body sitting on a chair in front of the computer. The entire process of this thought experiment, it may be noted, is conducted on a metaphysical level aligned with the premises of conceivability. The substance dualist argument is based on three premises: It is now important to connect my thought experiment with these premises. The fact that I succeed in conceiving myself out of my body supports the second premise in that what I can conceive is also possible, because conceivability is a good guide to possibility. In other words, it is my mind that conceives what it conceives, and it can conceive successfully all the possibilities given that the laws of essential properties are not flouted. What do essential properties mean in relation to the substance dualism theory? To understand this, we should make another thought experiment. Suppose I strive to conceive of a set of parallel lines overlapping with each other. This is not possible even to think. The essential property of parallel lines does not in any way comply with the property of overlapping. I can imagine either the existence of a set of parallel lines or that of two straight lines overlapping with each other, but not both within a single reference

Monday, September 23, 2019

Digital Tools That Increase Academic Success For The Adult Learner Research Paper

Digital Tools That Increase Academic Success For The Adult Learner - Research Paper Example In laymans terms, a digital tool can be defined as computer software, hardware or internet-based systems that support the learning process. A study conducted by Power and Thomas (2007) aimed at investigating how the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects learning among teachers showed that laptops and handheld computers enhanced their professional development. In this study, Power and Thomas (2007) asserts that the respondents reported that continued use of these tools improved efficiency as they could study at a place and time of their convenience. These computers were fitted with other supporting tools that allowed them to take pictures to support their lessons, plan their lessons at home and subsequently transfer the course plans to school computers, and could also create audios for use in teaching (Power and Thomas, 2007). In this regard, digital tools enhance adult learning through ensuring easier planning of learning activities. Facebook, as a digital tool is important in adult learning as learners today connect with friends through social sites such as facebook and Blogger. Sara, an adult 18 year old college student cited by Bhatt (2012) affirmed the use Facebook to communicate with her classmates on issues associated with her course. Other digitals tools she asserts to use for support in learning for discussing with friends and classmates include her Gmail account and Blogs (Bhatt, 2012). Facebook, as a digital tool can also be used to communicate directly with other learners particularly through video links and can therefore be beneficial for sharing ideas, conducting discussions, and sharing posts relating to course materials. By supporting discussions, digitals tools enhance adult learning through information sharing. Communications and discussions relating to course materials in social sites are made possible by the internet. According to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Forensic Accounting Essay Example for Free

Forensic Accounting Essay What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? There are two systems of process that ensure all individuals have access to the benefits of our community. The first is due process which is the ability of getting noticed and participating in the decisions that affect an individual (Baird, 2011). The second is substantive process which makes sure people know and understand the rules (Baird, 2011). How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We can make ethical decisions by creating fair systems for resolution of disputes and policies that state expectations (Baird,2011). We should care for all members and institutions of the community when allocating resources (Baird, 2011). We should give to each member of the community knowing they are a part of the happiness of the entire community. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Having an excessive pride and arrogance can move us from unintentional ethical wrong doing to intentional wrong doing (Baird, 2011). Cite a recent example in the news. I have an example of hubris in my work place that I will share. Our current CEO has chosen to take his annual bonus when he made the decision to freeze raises and increase the employee cost of health insurance. He does not pay the premiums of his health insurance policy but raised the cost for all employees. He purchased a very expensive piece of equipment costing over $2.5 million in 2011 causing an operating loss for the year. This equipment holds a great deal of prestige for him in the healthcare industry. I have been very disappointed that he has made the decisions he has made with total disregard for all other employees affected. His excessive pride and arrogance has caused him to intentionally act unethically. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? Bella and Frederick both use the concept of moral ecology to callus to greater responsibility for the community.Frederick also reminds us that companies and corporations and communities at large have responsibilities toward life – conserving values such fairness, unselfishness,and restraint, that both create and sustain human collective life. Judeo-Christian tradition calls us to responsibility for others. Due process is used to achieve our goals, assuring that those without access to power have equal opportunity to thrive. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Cite a recent example in the news. (If you dont know the meaning of hubris, look it up and include its definition as you answer this question.) As Timothy Clark noted, â€Å"The ambition to govern one’s fellow beings tend to view leadership as the pathway to glittering world of personal reward. Another risk that we run as we work is to become authoritarian and paternalistic. Another bias to watch is entrainment,where we are so cut up in work that we forget to ask important key questions. Hubris, excessive pride and arrogance,moves us from unintentional ethical wrongdoing to intentional wrongdoing. Biggest example I can recall is resent war in Iraq,President Bush and VP Chaney failed to show responsibilities as an ethical decision makers. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power?How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? The focus of the Relationship Lens is always fundamental fairness. Lens is inviting us to live a life in relationship with others in community. If decision maker is not balancing the personal need of individual to community needs, if he or she not subordinates own rights to that of the group. After making the decision one must ask himself questions, analyze decision through different ethic lenses. What improvements could we make on our process of ethical analysis? Did we like the results? What were the problems with the process? What decision we are not comfortable with? As we reflect on the results,we can put strategic for the future and became more ethical in our decisions in other words more ethically mature. We also can improve and bring our self to balanced ethical ground. a. The systems I believe that are needed to ensure access to benefits in our community are education, health, and judicial. An education system is important to help equip individuals with necessary skills that will help them to earn a living and contribute to the well being of their society. A health care system will help to maintain a healthy community by addressing all health needs. Having a judicial system will ensure that justice is dispensed and that fairness and adherence of the laws are followed. b. A Democratic System of Government which is guided by the Constitution can assure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard. The Constitution is used as a guide by Government to craft legislation, laws and regulations to ensure that there is fairness and justice in society. d. We may know that we are improperly using our personal power when for example we are in a position of leadership or power and use our office to influence others to do things our way. We may realize that our life is out of balance when we become depressed, suicidal, suffer from addition and is easily enraged. We can to my mind bring our life back into balance by doing introspection, and accepting responsibility. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community. There are several systems that are design to allow access to benefits. These include laws that are used to identify and support individuals who would require such services. If a medical provider or a school employee notices something that might be child abuse or elder abuse, they are required by law to report it. By reporting a possible incident a wide net of services are employed to investigate and perhaps implement services needed by the individual. Laws are also passed to describe who gets and what benefits are available to an individual. Social agencies, organizations and religious groups are often used to educate, locate and provide for the individuals in need. The media in various forms is often used to promote changes or additions to the benefits. A well educated community is the best weapon in the organizations arsenal. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? It is sometimes very difficult to ensure all of the fairness listed above in the heat of the moment. In order to do so one must step back and remove oneself from the heat of the event. When emotions become to involved it is difficult to implement fairness. This can be seen when the media appears to convict someone before they are arrested and tried. Laws have been passed to help identify areas that should be address fairly and these include race, age, disability ,and religion. Legislation has also determined a federal minimal wage and passed laws dealing with equal pay for equal work. Labor Unions often campaign for certain employment benefits for its members. The knowledge that a businesss could be sued for unfairness or prejudice is another protection. Businesses often have a policy Manuel that addresses how they will deal with certain issues. Knowledge of an individuals rights and duties written down gives all sides the knowledge of what is considered right and wrong in that group. . How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? Self analysis and appraisal is required to obtain this knowledge. Every once in a while one must ask oneself if one is following the right path. Listening to others is a good way to identify if one is improperly using ones power. It doesnt mean they are always correct but it may point your self reflection in the right direction. Checking ones ethical compass is another. I know when my life is out of balance when I can not be everywhere at once. Work stresses, problems and information should stay there. Family and personal business should not interfere with work or school. When I find myself spending time from one part of my life dealing with another part of my life then I am our of balance. Again one must step back and access what is going on and figure out if it is going to be temporary or long term. One can then figure out a course of action and decide what is needed. Being brave enough to ask for help if needed.   Superwoman is an concept promoted by the media that does exist, rather one needs to make sure one is not overwhelmed. In addition if it is a major project or event sometimes if I break it into pieces it is easier to digest and equilibrium returns. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? The types of systems that are need to that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or a broader community would be systems such electricity which allows everyone to have access to light, television for allowing the world to come into your place of living, and also the telephone systems that allows individuals to communicate with the world through voice. 2. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We ensure fair treatment , fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard by establishment organizations such as the Equal Employment opportunity commission(EEOC) for fair treatment. Fair administration of rules would include organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMSCA)Fair compensation organizations would include the Department of Labor(DOL). Fair blame and due process would be the Justice system. 3. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance. Where in truth good choices are not made. Also power is abused, it can result from an imbalance of information education or financial resources, than the other party may not be able to freely choose what I wants to do. When power is out of balance, we often are using the persons as a means to our preferred ends rather than treating the person as an end, a human being with a autonomy and choices in how to live his life. To bring power back into balance is to establish a connection with your inner spirit and knowing the right thing to.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Operational Management Analysis | British Airways

Operational Management Analysis | British Airways British Airways and British Airport Authority managing Heathrow Airport at London, which has four terminals , terminal1, terminal2,terminal3, and terminal 4 built a new terminal 5 in 260 hectare land, with sophisticated and advanced infrastructure designed to handle thirty-five million passengers per year which costed  £4.3 billion with 19 years of hard work involving totally 60,000 individuals. the construction finished its last phase in march 2008 after the 68 trails by 15000 volunteers the terminal 5 was ready for business on march 2008. Her majesty The Queen opened the terminal 5 on March 14th 2008, and was ready for business for passengers on 27th march 2008. But instead of grand opening the terminal 5 opening went as a disaster, resulting in cancellations of about 38 flights, and misplaced luggage, operational and technical problems. Why this happened? Why the opening day became a disaster? Why it has become as a night mare to passengers? The following data deals with what actually happened on the opening day and why British airways failed on the day of opening. MANAGING OPERATIONS: British airways Heathrow airport INTRODUCTION: British airways British Airways plc or BA is the UKs largest international airline in the world, based at Heathrow airport in London and serves about 95 million passengers a year using 441 airports in 86 countries using more than 1000 planes through its own operations and its alliance partners like TAT European airlines in France, Qantas in Australia, and USAir in United states. In last financial year to march 31, 2008 it carried about 33 million passenger worldwide and 805,000 tonnes of cargo, ( and is considered as one of the worlds longest established airlines. Heathrow and Gatwick airports are the two main operating bases of British airways. It earned  £9 billion in revenue in the year 2008/2009; passenger traffic accounted for 87.1 percent and 7.5 percent came from cargo and 5.4 percent from other activities. Heathrow airport which is owned by BAA is 15 miles from central London and is the worlds busiest international travel hub and now operates terminals 1,2,3,4 and terminal 5. When we go back in to little history of this airport it was started officially in 1946 as an army surplus. In 1951 plan was developed to build terminals. In 1955 Heathrow terminal 2 was ready for business a d considered as Heathrows first rear terminal. In 1960 construction of terminal 2 took place and was expanded in 1970 and in 1969 terminal 1 was officially opened by queen, in 1976 Heathrow became supersonic being services operated by British airways and air France . In 1986 terminal 4 was opened by prince and princess of Wales which was worth of  £200 million. About  £1milloin a day was spent in developing infrastructure of Heathrow. On 20th November 2001 the government gave approval to build a 5th terminal (t5) after a longest public enquiry in British planning history. The company aimed to move all its operations to terminal 5. Over the past few years terminal 5 is the largest building project in Europe costing  £4.3 billion to BAA. It was a big challenge to construct such a immense size building. it has a capacity to serve around 30 million passengers per year. The main terminal building has 1,100 piles. There are 5 tunnels serving terminal 5 with a length of 14km. The building has 96 checks in kiosks, a high glass cascade of 40 metre, and the terminal 5 lounge has a space for 2,500 passengers, and has 4,000 car parking spaces. This terminal will be used only by British airways .it took six years to finish the project, within time and within the budget. INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM: British airways opened the terminal 5 for business on 27 march 2008, by her majesty the Queen describing it as a 21st century gateway to Britain. The opening ceremony was attended by hundreds of airport authorities and workers. The BAA and airline British airways who built the terminal for many years forecasted that new facility would give a fresh start for Heathrow and millions of premium passengers. But the Heathrows new  £4.3billion terminal 5 suffered a disastrous opening resulting cancellation of flights, long queues and delays in luggage system. British airways was forced to cancel 34 domestic flights, one problem was followed by other problem on the day. There was a problem to the staff in finding the car park. Then a technical problem has arisen which resulted in some flights departing without luggage on aboard. The first flight of the day coming from Hong Kong arrived eight minutes early and passengers off the building got their luggage quickly. But very soon the baggage reclaim system failed leading the passengers to wait more than two hours to collect their baggage. By lunch time due to continuous problems the British airways cancelled 20 flights in the beginning and later to 34 flights. One of the terminal 5s departure lounge the luggage belt failed. The road signs were not clear outside the terminal. A delay occurred in security screening of staff. The computers did not recognise the baggage handlers IDs and the handling system failed to log on because of these three flights took off without luggage. Live examples: taken from media resources Sir George martin a famous producer of the work Beatles was one among them said he was first impressed to see terminal5 but it led him to wait many hours and the flight has been cancelled. Mr Matt Duffy who was coming from Glasgow to terminal 5 was struck in the flight for more than one hour. Mr kerb a wheel chair user couldnt get in to the building without getting up a step, and he added its totally unbelievable. These are few examples of the chaos caused by British airways in terminal 5 on its opening day. Relationship with operational management: On the operational side there are many errors like little system testing, mechanical failures, technical errors. On the management side there was poor communication, a refusal to listen to the experts and staff, arrogance, complacency, poor training of staff with the new systems. What went wrong on the day: Logistics and planning: On the opening day staff arrived to work couldnt find the car parking, the signs to car parking was unclear, it took long time for the staff to park their car, because of this reason staff arrived very late to work, staff were almost two hours late to work. Even when the staff entered the terminal 5 building there were no clear signs to navigate within the building , union representatives told the workers didint understand where to go,some of the staff couldnt enter through security gates. Because of the communication problem staff couldnt navigate within the building , they were given no telephone numbers to contact. The luggage handlers couldnt get in to the terminal because of improper training and less knowledge on the building. They were just shown the whole building which cant be remembered because of its massive size and therefore arrived late to work. Technical and human errors: The computer system in the terminal didnt recognise the staff IDs, so that staff couldnt log in to the systems. This resulted in making only two desks working instead of 28 desks present. Even when the staff logged the systems displayed error messages showing access denied to logon to do their actual work. About 17 terminal lifts jammed and failed, because of this passengers faced difficulty in getting in to the stairs of difficulty and disabled customers could not enter in to the building. The transit system broke down hence failed to move passengers from main terminal to satellite terminal, which led to cancellations of flights. Doors which should be kept open were locked so that staff and passengers couldnt be able to navigate in to the building. The electronic screens, walkways, escalators, and carousels were failed. Due to technical errors they failed to work and staff couldnt log in to systems and there was no information displayed on the screens. The baggage handling system failed to work after first flight arrived resulted in baggage misplace. Staff due to lack of training overloaded the belt and it stopped working, because of this reason some flights even left without any luggage. Low morale and good will: from the sources it is come to know that most of the staff didnt turn up for training. Because of this reason the baggage handlers and ground staff were unhelpful when the problem occurred. There was not enough staff working on the day to volunteer. BA didnt recruit an extra staff and just asked the present staff to help on their day offs and without paying them. Lack of communication and crisis management: there was no proper communication from the BA to passengers this led most of passengers feel frustrated. There were no announcements and no information was seen on monitors and websites. On the very first day by 5:30am about 200 passengers were queued up for information about cancellations. There were about 26 operational desks on that day but only 2desks were seen working. Results: As a result within in five days about 250 flights have been cancelled and still there is a backlog of 15000 bags, the bags were sent to USA and Paris to identify the original owners of the baggage. It disrupted the travel plans of thousands of passengers and British airways were unable to find any hotel rooms to passengers.Even though the hotel rooms were found they gave compensation of only  £100 where the hotel rooms costs  £200, an extra burden to passengers. About tens of thousands of customers vowed they will never use the airline again, as they faced many difficulties like standing in queues for about two hours for information, the luggage has been misplaced, and no help was available. The opening of terminal 5 is considered as a most embarrassment for British Airways and British Airport Authority. Because of this chaos the shares of British Airways felt down by 3% which accounts for about  £9million of the income and lost its reputation. Discussion of relevant operational theory: Any success of organisation depends up on people and their perception of success or failure, and staff willingness to anticipate to the vision of organisation as defined by management. In the same way the failure of an organisation depends up on poor integration of different parts of change for example the implementation is poorly executed even though the build and develop phase goes well. High complex technology infrastructure becomes inaccessible to those who use it regularly. And the management has to recognise that the success criteria should be broader than bottom line considerations: The business driver is not only the share holder value but the staff working and customer satisfaction. Organisations should be socially beneficial behaviour and mission and vision should include social responsibility and sustainability as their parts. The management has to focus on the state of art infrastructure that is introduced in the large projects. Now a days the managers are more focused on multi disciplinary projects to re engineer business which provides competitive advantage. Rather than spending more time on traditional line management responsibilities the managers are spending time on project work. New projects tend to be exciting in first few years of the project life cycle. But some important project personals often show interest on the finishing stages of project. the operational management should be the key driving force of the project from the beginning, but go live phase of the project is in danger as it didnt receive attention. The terminal5 in a successful project delivered on time and in the budget allocated .the architectural design won awards. It is believed that customers will get great service and satisfaction from terminal 5 when compared to terminal4 and 3. Here the operations management followed properly go live phase in project life cycle as a planned construction programme for six years, it included 400,000 hours of man power and software engineering to built conveyors for 17 kms., 66 trails has been made by 15,000 volunteers, staff were given a training and support of six months, before opening the terminal the baggage system was fully loaded and tested for about twenty times. Even though all these attempts were made the opening of terminal5 went as a disaster to customers and public. Sources taken from media showed that there were long queues in terminals, about 15000 baggage went missing, about 500 flights has bee cancelled in fist two weeks of its opening. There was big problem in sorting out the luggage to its actual owners , this luggage was sent to USA and Milan for sorting out. Even the insurance company didnt compensate the lost luggage saying this is a known risk. The management in companies should be fully aware of the prominence of the operational planning. And should be well prepared for go live phase of the project. In Heathrow terminal 5 the transport select committee was advised by chief executive officer of British airways that the building programme was not finished completely and this made to compromised the testing many time before opening. It was not that about 28 lifts are not working on the opening day, and there were discussions whether to delay the opening schedule of terminal 5, but it was neglected as the officials thought the potential risk will be low. Later the Chief Executive Officer admitted it was their fault to compromise on testing before opening. Application of TQM: According to Joel E. Ross and Susan Perry (1999) was cited in his book about the TQM is total quality management is the set of management processes and systems that create delighted customers through empowered employees leading to higher revenue and lower cost The main principals are customer satisfaction, employee involvement, and continuous improvement in performance. Customer satisfaction: the customer satisfaction factor has been lost on the opening day of terminal 5, where customers have to wait in long queues, loss of baggage, flights cancellations, and British Airways couldnt find the hotel rooms to customers. Employee involvement: employee involvement plays a crucial role in success of any organisation. On the day of terminal5 opening, staff arrived about two hours late to work and the baggage handlers were unable to through the building as there were no clear signs. Even the staff working on the ground didnt help them in any way. There were no announcements about the cancellations. Staff felt they were not responsible for the chaos going on. There was no one to volunteer the situation. Continuous improvement in performance: the testing has been compromised by the British Airport Authorities. Staffs were not trained properly, only six months of training was given. There was no improvement in the training statistics. The luggage handling systems were checked about twenty times before opening but on the day of opening it failed to work. Critical approach: Terminal 5 is a complex building with advanced infrastructure which was built with a goal of improving customer experience and to prove Heathrow airport as world class airport. To achieve this a smooth opening was required but unfortunately the opening was disaster and terminal 5 stood in all headlines of media and was a hot topic in the whole world. The problem was caused by combination operational and technical failures. But there are some issues regarding risk management whether they performed rehearsals or not, of so why they couldnt identify the problems before opening day. They would have hired some extra staff for the beginning days of the terminal. They would have tested it several times before opening it. If they would have tested they would have found all possible failures and would have rectified it before opening. If they would have done so we would have seen a good risk management system in operational management. According to media sources the airport staff was unable t o give answers to difficult questions. When the issue raised the British airways would have focussed a heavy spokesman so that the customer and the whole world have felt the British airways took the issue seriously. British airways would have given free food and hotel rooms when the issue happened so that they would have managed the long-term damage of company with minor compensation. Teething problems may be difficult to avoid for any major projects, but one of the oldest rule in business is anything can go wrong, will go wrong and the second oldest rule is the judgement is passed on recovery but not the mistake, and the third rule is when something goes wrong in an organisation the best thing is to admit it. In terminal5 there was no one with strong leadership skills, people with knowledge, and authority to sort it out ad it didnt go according to the script. It is not excusable for staff for not being able to find car parking and not for being able to get through security, and not for being able to login in to the systems to start their work, they would have gone a series of complete training, testing and rehearsals there is no excuse for the BA and BAA for saying the baggage system failed to work as they tested it only with few bags and assumed that it would work properly with 40,000 baggage, and tested escalators when it was empty but not when it is loaded. CHANGES TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OR CUSTOMER SERVICE: The construction of Heathrow terminal 5 was very successful project as it was finished on time and in the budget given. But on the opening day it encountered technical problems and operational problems it would have been prevented it BA and BAA would have been followed some simple steps: There should have been clear signs outside the terminal 5 for car parking, as it is known from the problem that staff couldnt find the space for car parking they were about two hours late to work, so if correct signs and signals were given the staff would have arrived to work on time. There should be clear signs in the building, as the terminal5 is massive in its size with advanced infrastructure, they should have been provided with clear signs to navigate within the building, as we came to know from the problem that staff and luggage handlers couldnt find their designated places, they couldnt navigate within the building. The staff would have been trained several times before the opening day. Because on the opening day staff were unclear about using the new resource management system. When the disaster took place staff looked unhelpful, as they didnt understand what was really happening, they couldnt even answer to the customer standing in queues about the faults occurred. The management would have asked staff to arrive a bit early to work to encounter potential delays in entering in to the building which they never entered before. British Airport Authority and British Airways would have recruited some additional staff to volunteer the work on the opening day. The baggage handlers were not given enough training to handle the new unfamiliar highly sophisticated luggage handling system, they would have given some extra training . That new baggage system looked to have no backup system to recover when technical defaults occurs. And the staff keep on loading it even though it stopped working which resulted in sever delays in reclaiming back the luggage. It was seen there were no announcements made and system stopped working, and the system couldnt recognise staff ids. This is lack of testing done before opening. BA and BAA agreed it compromised on testing phase, if it would have been done several times before opening they would have avoided this disaster. WHAT BA AND BAA DONE TO IMPROVE: At London Heathrow terminal 5 after a one year of its opening day everything looks to be flowing smoothly, with more than 90 percent of flights departing and arriving punctually. And more than 16 million customers have now used the terminal 5 facilities properly. New high tech equipment has been installed in security gates which make customers to pass through them quickly and pleasantly. This reduced the waiting time near the security gates. A new system has been developed where passengers do not have to unpack their laptops as trays are available automatically and passengers dont have to take shoes and belt as the security scanning system is very sophisticated. The distance to the passenger gate is reduced to five minutes by walk and 45 seconds using unmanned shuttle. This reduced the time lapse between the entry and passenger gates. The baggage performance was increased significally, the baggage is arriving the carousal before the passenger arrives saving time of passengers for reclaiming baggage. And when there is a connecting flight between destinations the luggage transfer will be done automatically, and luggage arrive quickly than passenger comes out. BA has now more than 90 percent of flights arriving and departure on time. Hence keeping the chaos in mind the BA and BAA is following punctuality in departure and arriving times of the flight. Staffs has given more training and daily regular meetings to make them familiar with the infrastructure. So that the BA and BAA want to give its customers the best service. The building is designed in a way that BAA works closely and naturally with BA making them to interact and meet more often in contingency mode. So the two managements are under one roof now. BA and BAA are using customer feedback to improve the quality and got positive feedback from most of the passengers. Hence it used these feedbacks to improve its quality service to its customers. When compared to other airports and other Heathrow terminals the time taken to check in and drop baggage has been greatly reduced. This saves passengers time and increase the time for shopping and spending. British Airport Authority reduced the time of waiting at security search in terminal 5 with queue less than 5 minutes. BA moved all its staff and flights in to terminal 5, and made signals promising. Now it uses powerful satellite signalling system to manage air traffic of flights and another satellite is under construction which is due to finish by 2011. After the management accepted its faults that it compromise in testing they applied many principles of management and rectified the whole mistakes and now terminal 5 is working properly, with 4000 car parking space, including car finders and help desk to find out lost cars, it has now its own railway station with six platforms connecting London underground and Heathrow express and lifts are working excellently handling 50 persons in one go all together, it has now automated kiosks where a passenger can cjesk in automatically and select seats and 140 desk are available for check in, and it has highly sophisticated single terminal baggage handling system whic is the best in Europe, and has major brands like Harrods, Hughes and Hughes, Links, Mapin, Paul smiths, Smythson, Cafe Nero, Starbucks, Gordon Ramsey, Giraffe, and Wagamama for customer service. Hence the Heathrow Terminal 5 is definitely a successful project.